Little Banjo's Musings & Drawings

Thanks for popping in!
I am a seeker of truth & beauty, I have found inspiration growing thru cracks in the concrete in the form of a wildflower. I believe in God.

Welcome. This is my musings on life, God, poems, ponderings, & thinkings, as the good Lord helps me thru another day. I am both down-to-earth & head-in-the-clouds. I like drawing, craft, wildflowers, animals, art, guitar, reading, miniatures, gnomes, Weetbix, climbing trees, bicycles, walking in the rain & good natured people....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wildflower ramblings...

This is my neighbours kitty checking out a little patch of wildflowers in my front yard.
Who wants a neat lawn? Not me! I'd rather cultivate a wild beauty instead.

I was watching 'East Of Everything' & I've been thinking about (the character)Lizzy. I reckon Lizzy's like one of those stickler plants or a bindi, the way she clings onto whoevers nearest. People tend to find her annoying, but if she's lucky they'll realize that even bindis have flowers in the summertime.
And these wildflowers are sweet. They change the very air with their fresh fragrance & unique beauty. They're carpeting the fields with colour, they're popping up between the trees, they're struggling out of cracks in the concrete, & redecorating abandoned city lots. These cheeky flowers provide unexpected hope & joy to those lonely, poor lost souls as they pass by, walking their road of troubles. I know they do for me. And these sweet wildflowers are waving in the breeze, dancing, delighting in being alive, if only for one more day.
Who are they? They are God's wildflowers. But they might be me and you. We are His children. And we are as precious to him as the wildflowers we call weeds.


possum said...

There's a chorus that goes "bloom where you're planted". This is just what these happy little flowers are doing and bringing smiles to those who see their beuty.

Sidewing Creations said...

Hi! You visited my blog back on the 21st. I'm returning the favor so to speak. I like your blog very much and hope you'll visit me again.


"In this life of froth & bubble,
Two things stand like stone-
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own."